List of Animation TV shows - Page 234 of 262
Persona 5: The Animation kicked off on April 07, 2018 on Tokyo MX. Persona 5: The Animation is a 30-minute Animation action/fantasy/anime television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Persona 5: The Animation airs by 00:30s at Saturday on…
A somber announcement: Snoopy in Space won't be back for Season 3 as Apple TV+ cancels the show
Snoopy in Space kicked off on November 01, 2019 on Apple TV+. Snoopy in Space is a 8-minute Animation comedy/children/adventure television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Snoopy in Space airs by s at None on Apple TV+. -
Awaiting the Verdict: Will Trash Truck Continue with Season 3 on Netflix?
Trash Truck kicked off on November 10, 2020 on Netflix. Trash Truck is a None-minute Animation children television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Trash Truck airs by s at None on Netflix. -
Bat Pat meets its end: Netflix pulls the plug, no Season 2
Bat Pat kicked off on December 31, 2015 on Netflix. Bat Pat is a 23-minute Animation comedy/children/adventure television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Bat Pat airs by Nones at on Netflix. -
Bitter disappointment: NBC cancels The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, no Season 2
The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 kicked off on September 08, 1990 on NBC. The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 is a 30-minute Animation comedy/children/adventure television series, which is currently in its 1st season. The Adventures of Super … -
Seeking Answers: Will Ariel Return for Season 2 on Disney Junior?
Ariel kicked off on None on Disney Junior. Ariel is a None-minute Animation television series, which is currently in its season. Ariel airs by Nones at on Disney Junior. -
The Uncertain Path: Will Wangu Shenhua Journey Onward with Season 2 on iQIYi?
Wangu Shenhua kicked off on August 15, 2022 on iQIYi. Wangu Shenhua is a 10-minute Animation action/fantasy/adventure/anime television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Wangu Shenhua airs by Mondays at on iQIYi. -
Durarara!! bids farewell: MBS terminates the show, no Season 3
Durarara!! kicked off on January 08, 2010 on MBS. Durarara!! is a 25-minute Animation drama/action/fantasy/anime television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Durarara!! airs by 13:25s at Thursday on MBS. -
CBS axes Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: No Season 2 as the show is canceled
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs kicked off on September 18, 1993 on CBS. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a 30-minute Animation children/adventure television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs airs by Saturdays at 11:30 on CBS. -
A bitter end: Nickelodeon confirms Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cancellation, no Season 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles kicked off on July 20, 2018 on Nickelodeon. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 15-minute Animation action/children television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Rise of the Teenage Mutan…