List of Animation TV shows - Page 23 of 262
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants kicked off on July 13, 2018 on Netflix. The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants is a 30-minute Animation action/comedy/science-fiction television series, which is currently in its 3rd season. The Epic Tales of Capta…
Heartbreaking announcement: Trucktown gets the axe, no Season 2 on Treehouse
Trucktown kicked off on September 06, 2014 on Treehouse. Trucktown is a 25-minute Animation television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Trucktown airs by 16:05s at Monday on Treehouse. -
The end of the journey: Comedy Central officially confirms Brickleberry cancellation, no Season 4
Brickleberry kicked off on September 25, 2012 on Comedy Central. Brickleberry is a 30-minute Animation comedy television series, which is currently in its 3rd season. Brickleberry airs by 22:30s at Tuesday on Comedy Central. -
The end of an era: Chiba TV pulls the plug on Rosario + Vampire, no Season 3
Rosario + Vampire kicked off on January 03, 2008 on Chiba TV. Rosario + Vampire is a 25-minute Animation action/comedy/fantasy/anime television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Rosario + Vampire airs by 00:15s at Sunday on Chiba TV. -
TV Tokyo makes tough decision: Ahiru no Sora officially canceled, no Season 2
Ahiru no Sora kicked off on October 02, 2019 on TV Tokyo. Ahiru no Sora is a 25-minute Animation sports/anime television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Ahiru no Sora airs by 18:25s at Wednesday on TV Tokyo. -
Bad Guys faces cancellation: Adult Swim announces no Season 2
Bad Guys kicked off on December 04, 2016 on Adult Swim. Bad Guys is a 15-minute Animation television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Bad Guys airs by 00:00s at Sunday on Adult Swim. -
Fans left in disbelief: March comes in like a lion won't be back for Season 3 as NHK cancels the show
March comes in like a lion kicked off on October 08, 2016 on NHK. March comes in like a lion is a 25-minute Animation drama/comedy/anime television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. March comes in like a lion airs by 23:00s at Saturday o… -
Disheartening news: The Boonies won't return for Season 2 as go90 cancels the show
Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery Pups kicked off on None on HBO Max. Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery Pups is a None-minute Animation children television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery Pups airs by s at None on HBO M… -
Robot Trains Season 3 on SBS: Cracking the Renewal Mystery
Robot Trains kicked off on February 26, 2015 on SBS. Robot Trains is a 15-minute Animation television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Robot Trains airs by Sundays at 20:00 on SBS. -
The Clock is Ticking: Galaxy Devastators Season 2 on Tencent QQ Hangs in the Balance
Galaxy Devastators kicked off on May 05, 2019 on Tencent QQ. Galaxy Devastators is a 20-minute Animation science-fiction/anime television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Galaxy Devastators airs by Sundays at 10:00 on Tencent QQ.