The end of an era: Netflix Presents: The Characters canceled, leaving fans without Season 2 on Netflix
Netflix Presents: The Characters Season 2 Status: Canceled
Netflix Presents: The Characters Season 1 Release Date: March 11, 2016
When will Netflix Presents: The Characters Season 2 be released? Will Netflix Presents: The Characters return for Season 2 on Netflix?
Whether Netflix Presents: The Characters is renewed for another season or canceled? Get acquainted with the latest reliable news regarding the upcoming season of Netflix Presents: The Characters on Netflix. Track the renewal/cancellation status of Netflix Presents: The Characters.
Netflix Presents: The Characters kicked off on March 11, 2016 on Netflix. Netflix Presents: The Characters is a 30-minute Variety comedy television series, which is currently in its 1st season. Netflix Presents: The Characters airs by s at Friday on Netflix.
Unfortunately, Netflix decided not to pick up Netflix Presents: The Characters for Season 2. Netflix Presents: The Characters is canceled and will not return for another round on Netflix. If the show's status changes and Netflix decides to revive Netflix Presents: The Characters for another round, we will update this page. We regret to report the bad news. Stay tuned for updates. We will inform you if something has changed.