List of drama TV shows - Page 11 of 673
Designated Survivor kicked off on September 21, 2016 on Netflix. Designated Survivor is a 60-minute Scripted drama/thriller television series, which is currently in its 3rd season. Designated Survivor airs by s at Wednesday on Netflix.
Uncharted Territory: Stranger Things Season 6 on Netflix
Stranger Things kicked off on July 15, 2016 on Netflix. Stranger Things is a 60-minute Scripted drama/science-fiction/fantasy television series, which is currently in its 5th season. Stranger Things airs by s at Friday on Netflix. -
Disappointing verdict: Gotham won't be back for Season 6 as FOX cancels the show
Gotham kicked off on September 22, 2014 on FOX. Gotham is a 60-minute Scripted drama/crime/action television series, which is currently in its 5th season. Gotham airs by 20:00s at Thursday on FOX. -
The end is here: History officially cancels Knightfall, no Season 3
Knightfall kicked off on December 06, 2017 on History. Knightfall is a 60-minute Scripted drama/adventure/history television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Knightfall airs by 22:00s at Wednesday on History. -
Goodbye to Wynonna Earp: Syfy terminates the show, no Season 5
Wynonna Earp kicked off on April 01, 2016 on Syfy. Wynonna Earp is a 60-minute Scripted drama/horror/western television series, which is currently in its 4th season. Wynonna Earp airs by 21:00s at Friday on Syfy. -
National Geographic Channel axes MARS: No Season 3 as the show is canceled
MARS kicked off on November 13, 2016 on National Geographic Channel. MARS is a 60-minute Scripted drama/science-fiction television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. MARS airs by 21:00s at Sunday on National Geographic Channel. -
Murdoch Mysteries Season 18 gets the green light: Fans can celebrate!
Murdoch Mysteries kicked off on January 24, 2008 on CBC. Murdoch Mysteries is a 60-minute Scripted drama/crime/mystery television series, which is currently in its 17th season. Murdoch Mysteries airs by Mondays at 20:00 on CBC. -
The end of the line: FreeForm terminates Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments, no Season 4
Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments kicked off on January 12, 2016 on FreeForm. Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments is a 60-minute Scripted drama/supernatural/fantasy television series, which is currently in its 3rd season. Shadowhunters: The Mo… -
The final verdict: Altered Carbon canceled, no Season 3 on Netflix
Altered Carbon kicked off on February 02, 2018 on Netflix. Altered Carbon is a 60-minute Scripted drama/crime/science-fiction television series, which is currently in its 2nd season. Altered Carbon airs by s at Friday on Netflix. -
Greenleaf canceled: Oprah Winfrey Network confirms no Season 6
Greenleaf kicked off on June 21, 2016 on Oprah Winfrey Network. Greenleaf is a 60-minute Scripted drama television series, which is currently in its 5th season. Greenleaf airs by 22:00s at Wednesday on Oprah Winfrey Network.